
Airborne Transmission Of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Apr 2, 2021 | UV-C

The incubation period of primary infection with CoV is short (2-4 days) and the routes of transmission are droplet and contact. Transmission via droplets occurs during close contact with an infected person or on the hands and face of a person who has coughed or sneezed without using a handkerchief or tissue. Airborne contact transmission also occurs at a distance from an infected person as small as 2 meters, provided there is sufficient viral suspension in the air to be inhaled by another person. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to pass through cell cultures grown on plastic surfaces. This indicates its considerable capacity to survive in the environment.

Ultraviolet (UV) purification is a highly effective method used in purifying the surroundings of biological contaminants like viruses, molds, mites, fungal spores, and bacteria. We can make use of Lighting devices with UV germicidal sources as an efficient alternative tool to chemical disinfectants and normal antibiotics that cause damage to the human body when it comes into direct contact with it, either by inhalation or ingestion and also cause environmental contamination.

We install our lamps in the ventilation system(HVAC) and it’s ray do not fall on the skin of a person or an animal without causing any harm. Contact us to help you with this and get the best service.

According to WHO, Handwashing with soap and water is important in preventing the spread of COVID-19. If water isn’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and running water for at least 15 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Alcohol rubs are typically used in health care settings since their use helps prevent the spread of infections by killing germs and preventing them from spreading to other people. If you aren’t able to wash your hands, use an alcohol-based gel containing at least 60% alcohol.”

But, it is quite unfortunate that hand washing and social distancing do not prevent infection by inhalation because most of the droplets are so tiny they can go almost anywhere. They can travel tens of meters in the air, bearing their viral content. This is why all people need to take extreme measures whether in an indoor or outdoor environment, particularly focusing on the removal of the viral droplet from indoor air to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

Indoor environment present to be the most common spot for an individual to come in contact with SARS-CoV-2. While life-threatening in many cases, the virus has had an amazing ability for self-containment- the infection rate was limited essentially to just those passengers coming in contact with others who were ill.

These outbreaks are a reminder that malls and other forms of mass recreation offer ample opportunity for infectious disease transmission.